
$225 (60-75 mins)| $300 (90 mins) | $360 (120 mins)

We do not accept insurance at this time, but we are happy to provide you with a superbill at your request.  

Cancellations within 24 hours of your appointment or missed appointments will be charged a cancellation fee of 100% of scheduled service.

  • First Appointment (90-120 mins)

    Your healing journey begins with your first appointment. We will embark upon a comprehensive review of your intake and explore your health history through a unique lens, one that values the complex origins of the current expression of your concerns. This creates the foundation for future treatment.

  • Follow Up Appointment (60-75 mins)

    In follow up appointments your practitioner will seek to make real changes to energetic & tissue dysfunctions observed and recorded in your initial intake. Follow ups are generally 60-75 mins, but depending upon the complexity of your case and your financial considerations treatment times may vary.

  • Case Review Treatment (75-90 mins)

    After 4-6 treatments your practitioner may reassess your progress and continue or modify the direction of treatment depending upon your results. We continuously research and apply ancient therapies and contemporary research to clarify your illness so we may provide exceptional care.