Uncovering Illness
Past & Present
The Story of Illness
How you came to be sick is of crucial importance to us. The causes can be various and intricate. The most important aspects are how things began for you. When we understand the beginning we can understand what circulation systems were affected. Once we understand this we can begin to rehabilitate these areas.
The Story of Your Life
Who are you? Where were you born? Where did you grow up? What are your major life experiences? When did you first get sick? What was the nature of the illness? Where did it appear in your body? What was the first sign? What are you feeling now? These questions are crucial for the successful support and resolution of long term illnesses.
A Plan of Action
Putting together the complexities of your individual life and what, when, and how you originally shifted from health to illness is the first part of unwrapping why you are currently sick. The second part is designing an intricate plan of treatment to address all tissue disharmonies in the most effective and harmonious way.
Therapies Derived from the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic
The needling therapies described in the Huángdì Nèijing are complex and noticeably more effective than contemporary methods. We are actively looking for areas that display tissue dysfunction in the form of dryness of the skin, adhesions within the fascia, superficial capillary colors, relative heat and cold among many other indicators. Using needles we seek to implement realtime changes while we work. We also use micro needling and facial acupuncture for non-toxic beauty.
Moxa & Cupping
One of the many gifts of the Huángdì Nèijing is the understanding that not all problems require needles. The Huángdì Nèijing provides various treatment modalities to address different illness issues. Direct and indirect Moxa, jingmai 經脈 massage with warming herbal oils, and herbal compresses are the external therapies we provide to help regulate the tissues. We also use more modern implements such as cupping and wet cupping.
Herbal Medicine
Herbal treatments provide sustenance, circulation, and changes that help assist complex problems whether physical or emotional. We have partnered with Yin Dew, a local apothecary in Los Angeles, utilizing their specialty methods of extraction, dried formulas, and medical oils. Herbal medicine can be a necessary and valuable addition to making lasting change for your illness.

We endeavor to deeply understand the origin of your illness.
Chronic Pain
Post-Surgical Issues
Chronic Illness
Women's Health
Digestive Issues